
Expected 7th Pay Fitment Table for Pay Scale Rs. 9300-34800 & Rs. 5500-7600 for Maharashtra State Employee.

The pay matrix comprises two dimensions. It has a “horizontal range” in which each level corresponds to a ‘functional role in the hierarchy’ and has been assigned the numbers. The “vertical range” for each level denotes ‘pay progression’ within that level. These indicate the steps of annual financial progression of three percent within each level. The starting point of the matrix is the minimum pay which has been arrived based on 15th ILC norms or the Aykroyd formula. This has already been explained in Chapter.

On recruitment, an employee joins at a particular level and progresses within the level as per the vertical range. The movement is usually on an annual basis, based on annual increments till the time of their next promotion.

When the employee receives a promotion or a non-functional financial upgrade, he/she progresses one level ahead on the horizontal range.


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