
Revised 7th Pay Committee - 2017 Established for Maharashtra State All Employee.

The Central Government has recommended 7th Pay commission and issued the order to implement the revised 7th Pay to Central Government Employee w.e.f. 01.01.2016.  The revised 7th Pay are recommended for Government and other eligible Employees of Maharashtra State.

State Government has passed the order to established a committee for revised 7th Pay for all Maharashtra State employee to vast study regarding implementation of 7th Pay.  The State Revised 7th Pay committee - 2017 members are as under:

1. Shri K. P. Kakshi
   Ex-Upper Chief Secretary, Maharashtra Government

2. Chief Secretary (Service)
   General Administrative Department, Maharashtra Government

3. Chief Secretary (Finance)
   Finance Department, Maharashtra Government

State Revised Pay Committee-2017 will consider and recommend the following issues:
  1. State Revived 7th Pay committe studied the Central Pay Commission report and take decision upon it to recommend the same for State Government Employees and other eligible employees after scrutinizing.
  2. State Revised Pay Committee-2017 should work as per previous pay committee.