
Expected 7th Pay New Pay Structure for Pay Scale 4440-7740 for Maharashtra State All Employee.

New Pay Structure

Although the VI CPC had mentioned that grade pay would be equivalent to 40 percent of the maximum of the pre-revised scale and that the grade pay will constitute the actual fitment, yet the computation varied greatly. After the implementation of recommendations, the difference became more pronounced in Pay Band 4 as compared to the other three pay bands. This resulted in varying fitment factors for various levels and promotional benefits that were perceived to be rather differentiated. The same pattern was discernible in the pension fixation too.

After analysing the issues brought out by various stakeholders, this Commission is suggesting a new pay model that is expected to not only address the existing problems but will also establish a rationalised system which is transparent and simple to use.

To begin with, the system of Pay Bands and Grade Pay has been dispensed with and the new functional levels being proposed have been arrived at by merging the grade pay with the pay in the pay band. All of the existing levels have been subsumed in the new structure; no new level has been introduced nor has any existing level been dispensed with.

The pay structures in vogue, by way of pay scales or pay bands, indicate the definite boundaries within which the pay of an individual could lie. It is however difficult to ascertain the exact pay of an individual at any given point of time. Further, the way the pay progression would fan out over a period of time was also not evident. Since various cadres are designed differently the relative pay progression also varies. The Commission believes that any new entrant to a service would wish to be able to make a reasonable and informed assessment of how his/her career path would traverse and how the emoluments will progress alongside. The new pay structure has been devised in the form of a pay matrix to provide complete transparency regarding pay progression.


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