
TDS on Income from Pension for Asstt. Year 2014-15.

In the case of pensioners who receive their pension from a nationalized bank, the instructions contained in this circular shall apply in the same manner as they apply to salaryincome.  The deductions from the amount of pension under section 80C on account of contribution to Life Insurance, Provident Fund, NSC etc., if the pensioner furnishes the relevant details to the banks, may be allowed.

Necessary instructions in this regard were issued by the Reserve Bank of India to the State Bank of India and other nationalized Banks vide RBI's Pension Circular(Central Series) No.7/C.D.R./1992 (Ref. CO: DGBA: GA (NBS) No.60/GA.64 (11CVL)-/92) dated the 27th April 1992, and, these instructions should be followed by all the branches of the Banks, which have been entrusted with the task of payment of pensions.

Further all branches of the banks are bound u/s 203 to issue certificate of tax deducted in Form 16 to the pensioners also vide CBDT circular no. 761 dated 13.1.98.