Maharashtra Government has been issued a resolution about yearly increment to employee. The G.R. No. Sankirn-1013/Pra.Kra.55/Kosha Pra-5 Dated 12th Sept., 2013 say that do not grant the yearly Increment to the officers who did not wrote the confidential reports in time.
The yearly increment had place in the month of July to all eligible employee of State Government, Semi-state Government and other Government Employee but after this resolution Officers did not placed Yearly Increment to Employee in July without Confidential Report. Therefore, every employee submit their Confidential Report before 30th June in every Year otherwise such employee face the problem of yearly increment.
The following picture show the certificate when yearly increment place by officer to employee.
The yearly increment had place in the month of July to all eligible employee of State Government, Semi-state Government and other Government Employee but after this resolution Officers did not placed Yearly Increment to Employee in July without Confidential Report. Therefore, every employee submit their Confidential Report before 30th June in every Year otherwise such employee face the problem of yearly increment.
The following picture show the certificate when yearly increment place by officer to employee.