
The working hours and attendance of the non-teaching employees of the Universities & Colleges

As per Standard Code Rules of Maharashtra Employee 1984, do you know the Working Hours of the Non-Teaching Employee of the Universities that are as follows:
  1. The hours of working and attendance of the non-teaching employees of the Universities or the Colleges shall be 42 hours per week in the case of Class I, II and III employees and 46 hours per week in the case of Class IV employees including lunch recess of half hour (कार्यभाराबाबाद दुरुस्ती शासन निर्णय क्र. NGC 1793/(2636)/वि शि- dated 26-09-1995). The holidays for its employees, Sections, Departments and Colleges etc. The Competent Authority may change the working hours and the weekly holidays as per its administrative convenience. The employee shall be required to discharge his duties and functions as required during the working hours prescribed for him by the Competent Authority.
  2. If it becomes necessary, the supervising officer of the employee may require the employee working under him to work, either before or after the office hours. The employee required to work overtime shall be entitled to over-time allowance as prescribed by the State Government. It shall not be competent on the part of the employee to refuse to work over-time, if refused it shall amount to misconduct.


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