
How can India go Cent-percent Cashless ?

Stop Hundi Box donation in Religious Place like you are visiting your religious places and put cash in Hundi Box.

All companies registered under section 8 of Companies act, 2013 make mandatory amount collection from banking system not in form of cash.
Charitable Trust can give donation to any organisation only in Account Payee cheque / account Payee Bank Draft / NEFT / on line bank transfer.
All Organisation who collect donation from public come under the definition of "Deposit From Public" and can collect donation only from Banking systems i.e. account Payee cheque or account payee bank draft/ NEFT/ on line payment.
All Festival Donation must accepted in the form cheque/NEFT/E-Payment.
All political Parties registered can received donation only from Account Payee cheque/Account Payee Bank Draft/NEFT/e-Payment. if any political party/organisation received Donation in cash all received in cash taxable @ 150% to political parties.
All Payment Exceed Rs.2000/- must account payee cheque or account payee bank draft / E-payment.
No Expenditure allowed from Income from business & Profession if you made Payment in cash exceeding Rs.100/- per day make maximum cash expenses limit in a year 36500 per PAN No. if your cash payment exceed Rs.36500/- expenses not to allowed from income tax purpose.
Wages Payment must labour account if you are claiming expense except agriculture labour and except agriculture income.
Foreign visitor can open bank account from his Adhar card/Pass Port and  Debit card can provide on arrival in India within 5 minute from landing in India.
If you are Purchasing goods or services exceeding Rs.1000/- you have to make payment from cheque/draft/NEFT/e-payment.
All household expenditure exceed Rs.1000/- must  from banking system.
School/Education institution can collect fees only from cheque/NEFT/e-payment.
All Bank account must be make public with the help of transparency portal of bank accounts and real time update link provide all Indian person/co/organisation on line and any person find Reliance/Tata/TCS bank account/BJP/congress/bank account details who is giving and who is Paying amount.
All bank Loan must be make public through banking transparency portal.
All NPA account information make public and request from Public NPA account holder is will full defaulter/not.
Make a website for Indian resident for disclosure of his all assets like Election declaration of assets by MP/MLA.
Make site data public and any person can find Income tax return information of other person.
Make Conflict of Interest act " Any person who is on Business or Profession first Leave his business than comes for election / public service.


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