The Income Tax Department has issued a Press Release on 24th Jan. 2014 regarding new PAN application/allotment procedure. As per the new PAN allotment process which will effect from 03.02.2014 applicant of PAN application must file original documents at the time of PAN verification by PAN application counters. The press Release is as under:
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
Dated 24th January, 2013
Press Release
The procedure for PAN allotment process will undergo a change w.e.f. 03.02.2014. From this date onwards, every PAN applicant has to submit self-attested copies of Proof of Identity (POI), Proof of Address (POA) and Date of Birth (DOB) documents and also produce original
documents of such POI/POA/DOB documents, for verification at the counter of PAN Facilitation Centres. The copies of Proof of Identity (POI), Proof of Address (POA) and Date of Birth (DOB) documents attached with PAN application form, will be verified vis a vis their original documents at the time of submission of PAN application at PAN Facilitation Centre. Original documents shall not be retained by the PAN Facilitation Centres and will be returned back to the applicant after verification.

(Rekha Shukla)
Commissioner of Income Tax (M&TP)
Official Spokesperson, CBDT
In this connection the Directorate of Income Tax (Systems) has issued a notification No. oPAN/1/3/2003/Part dated 24.1.2014 regarding Change in procedure for PAN Allotment. Which is as under:
Subject: Change in procedure for PAN Allotment.
1. The fee for processing a PAN application shall be Rs. 105/- (inclusive of all taxes).
2. Subsequent to notification S.O.No. 3794(E) dt 23.12.2013, the procedure for PAN allotment process will undergo a change w.e.f. 03.02.2014.
- Form 03.02.2014 onwards, every PAN application has to submit selfattested copies of Proof of Identify (POI), Proof of Address (POA) and Date of Birth (DOB) documents and also produce original documents of such POI/POA/DOB documents for verfication at the counter of PAN facilitation centers. List of documents of POI/POA/DOB is given in the Instructions part of Form 49A/49AA.
- The copies of Proof of Identity (POI), Proof of Address (POA) and Date of Birth (DOB) documents attached with PAN application form, will be verified vis a vis their original documents at the time of submission of PAN application at PAN facilitation Centres.
- Original documents shll not be retained by the PAN Faciliation Centres and will be returned back to the applicant after verification.
Joint Director of Income Tax (Systems)-I
New Delhi
Download Change in procedure for PAN Allotment Press Release.