
Regulation of LTC Claims

(Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India)
Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar,
Delhi-110 032
No.C-22013/113/90 Admn.(P)/2342
30th Oct, 2013
The instances have come to the notice, where employees apply for LTC and proceed without sanction of LTC as well as the leave. It has also been noticed in some of the cases that the Divisional Head (Leave Sanctioning Authority) has only recommended the leave which does not mean the leave is granted. For proceeding on LTC it is informed to all that without grant of leave and sanction of LTC an employee cannot proceed on LTC.  The Member Secretary, Central Board has viewed it very seriously and following instructions are issued for information and for strict compliance by all the employees;

(a) Without issue of LTC order as well as leave sanction order an employee shall not proceed for LTC.
(b)  Even if, LTC is not applied, an employee shall not leave their Head Quarter without sanction of the leave order.
(c) The employees are advised that they should well plan their LTC programme before applying for the same and the leave must be granted by the concerned Divisional Heads/ Incharge Zonal Offices.
(d) The intended place of visit (other than declared home town) should be well decided before applying the LTC.
(e) Once the LTC is sanctioned, only genuine request beyond the control of the employee, for preponement/postponement or cancellation whatsoever will be considered by the Competent Authority.
(f)  Employee must enquire the correct fare per ticket of their entitled class from Railways or Airlines for the intended place of visit, before applying for LTC.
(g) When no advance is taken, the LTC claim should be submitted within three months from the completion of return journey. Otherwise, the claim will be forfeited.
(h)  When advance is taken, the claim should be submitted within one month from the date of return journey. If not, the outstanding advance will be recovered in one lumpsum and the claim will be treated as one where no advance is sanctioned. Further, panel interest @ 2% over & above of CPF interest on the entire advance from the date of drawal to the date of recovery will be charged.
(i)  When claim submitted within stipulated time but unutilized portion of advance not refunded, interest is chargeable on that amount from the date of drawl to the date of recovery.
(j)  When a part of the advance becomes excess drawl due to genuine reasons beyond the control of the employees, the Competent Authority, if satisfied, exempt charging of interest.
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority, Central Pollution Control Board.
(R. D. Pandey)
Administrative Officer (P)