DGBA.GAD.No.H- 4/31.05.001/2013-14
Dear Sir/Madam
DGBA.GAD.No.H- 4/31.05.001/2013-14
July 1, 2013
All Agency BanksDear Sir/Madam
Master Circular- Disbursement of Pension by Agency Banks
Please refer to our master circular RBI/2012-13/103 dated July 02, 2012
on the above subject. We have now updated the master circular
incorporating important instructions issued by us till end of June
2013. A copy of the same is enclosed for your information. This circular may also be downloaded from our website www.mastercirculars.rbi.org.in.
2. Please acknowledge receipt.
Yours faithfully
Chief General Manager
Encl: As aboveChief General Manager