
Additional Expected Dearness Allowance will be hikes by 10% confirmed from July-2013.

We have enjoying the dearness allowance from January 2013 increased by 8% i.e. from 72% to 80%  w.e.f. 01.01.2013 and now the time of discussing about the rate of dearness allowance from July 2013.  We can assume that the AICPIN will certainly go up, because of the essential commodities prices are going high with non stop. Anyway we can assume the additional Dearness allowance from July 2013 will be 10%. It is not an authentic source of information, it is our forecast calculation method based on the AICPIN will step up one point from the existing level for coming months. Now the Dearness allowance stands at 80%, perhaps if our calculation could happens then the Dearness allowance may go up to 90% from 1.7.2013.

The All India consumer price Index numbers has published Prince Index Cost which is as bellow:

July 2012 212
August 2012 214
September 2012 215
October 2012 217
November 2012 218
December 2012 219
January 2013 221
February 2013 223
March 2013  224
April 2013 226
May 2013 to be published
June 2013 to be published

The AICPIN for the last two months are yet to be published. According to the 10 months average of AICPIN, if the same trend continues up to June 2013, the dearness allowance to be increased from 1st July 2013 will be 10%. So it is estimated from the above AICPIN position that expected increase in dearness allowance will be 10% w.e.f. 01.07.2013.