Various post of this blog in connection with the Free FVU utility to make your TDS/TCS Statement/Return for Asstt. Year 2013-14 are read by you. Now, NSDL-TIN has provide to all TDS Deductor latest FVU Ver. 3.7 which will be mandatory w.e.f. 26th May, 2013 and before this date FVU Ver. 3.6 be applicable. There are some new features i.e. Sec. 80CCG, Sec. 80CCF, Relaxation of PAN validation etc.
Java Requirements:
The e-TDS/TCS FVU is a Java based utility. JRE (Java Run-time Environment) [versions: SUN JRE: 1.4.2_02 or 1.4.2_03 or 1.4.2_04 or IBM JRE:] should be installed on the computer where the e-TDS/TCS FVU is being installed. Java is freely downloadable from and or you can ask your vendor providing computer facilities (hardware) to install the same for you.
The e-TDS/TCS FVU setup file (e-TDS/TCS FVU.exe) comprises of three files namely:
- TDS FVU Readme.rtf: This file contains instructions for setup of the e-TDS FVU.
- e-TDS FVU Setup.exe: This is a setup program for installation of FVU.
- These files are in an executable zip file. These files are required for installing the e-TDS/TCS FVU.
Key features of File Validation
Utility (FVU) version 3.7.
- Section 80CCG: Section 80CCG has been incorporated for Form no. 24Q Q4. Section code 80CCG is applicable for FY 2012-13 onwards.
- Section 80CCF: Quoting deduction under section 80CCF has been restricted to FY 2010-11 and 2011-12.
- Relaxation of PAN validation: PAN compliance validation of 85% pertaining to deductees of section code 206CK (Form no. 27EQ) has been relaxed.
- Applicability: FVU version 3.7 is applicable for quarterly TDS/TCS statements pertaining to FY 2010-11 onwards.
version 3.7 will be mandatory w.e.f May 26, 2013. Upto May 25, 2013 FVU version
3.6 and FVU version 3.7 will be applicable.