
Service Tax & Excise Custom Offices also continued on 29th, 30th and 31st March-13

The Central Board of Excise and Custom (CBEC) offices shall be open on 29th, 30th & 31st March, 2013 as usual office hours and withdrawn strike called by the Associations of Superintendent & Inspectors of Central Excise on the same dates.

As well as due to heavy rush to collect Tax as Income Tax, Sales Tax, Service Tax and Excise Custom etc. fir Transfer or Collection RBI has issued a notification and decided to open all Nationalize Banks for clearing on March 29,30 and 31, 2013.

Agency banks doing Government business alone will be permitted to present instruments in the Special Clearing on other participating banks. Other member banks of the Clearing House (including the presenting banks) are required to keep their inward clearing processing infrastructure open during the Special Clearing hours and maintain sufficient balance in their clearing settlement account to meet settlement obligations arising out of the Special Clearing.