To file a Return electronically, you should prepare the Income
Tax Return in the utility certified with Income Tax Department. A zip
file containing the XML(s) should be uploaded with DSC either on
e-Filing application OR through web-service.
- Prepare Income Tax Return XML's in the utility certified by Income Tax Department.
- ZIP The XML's into a ZIP file.
- LOGIN to the e-Filing application and GO TO e-File --> 'Upload Return'.
- Browse to select the ZIP file.
- Upload the Digital Signature Certificate.
- Click on the 'SUBMIT' button.
- On successful upload, a Token Number is generated.
Steps to upload Bulk Income Tax Return through Webservice
- Prepare Income Tax Return XML's in the utility certified by Income Tax Department.
- ZIP the XML's.
- Establish connectivity with e-Filing application through Webservice.
- Provide the ZIP file along with Digital Signature Certificate.
- On successful upload, a Token Number is generated.