
Salary Calculator for all employee who works in Private Sector.

Many Employee are works with Public Private Sector i.e. they are employee of Company or any Private Firm or Small Scale Industries etc. In the Private Sector salary of Employee calculates on Hour Base or only on working days and it is more difficult to calculate salary manually in other words we can say it is west of time. As the need to pay the salary, we can develop the Excel Base Hour Basis Salary Calculator, it solve there salary problem and which can calculate the salary of full month. Because calculating manual salary is full of waste of time as well as it requires a lot of energy. Therefore, I presenting a excel based salary calculator for Company, private firms or Small Scale Industries with no headache of calculating overtime or basic salary. One need to just enter the hours of work in a day and it will calculate the pay automatically.

Features of this calculator :
  1. It is Spreadsheet/Excel based.
  2. It will work offline or Online as you required.
  3. No need to enter duty and overtime separately.
  4. Unlimited persons Calculate salary
  5. On the Basic of Duty Hours is 8, it will calculate salary along with all Incentives.
  6. It provides Attendance Sheet.
To Calculate Hours Basis Salary Click Here.
To see More Salary Calculator Click Here
To Calculate Online Salary Click Here