
Message from new Chairman of CBDT to All Taxpayers.

New Chairman Mr. K. V. Chowdary of CBDT has issued a letter on 01st August, 2014 regarding message to all taxpayers.  The new CBDT Chairman Mr. K. V. Chowdary's letter is as follows:

My Dear Colleagues,

    It gives me immense pleasure in addressing you on taking over the responsibilities of the Chairman, CBDT.

    I am thankful to all of you for your greetings and good wishes.

    I realise that I have a challenging and difficult task ahead during my short tenure.  Thanks to the efforts of our predecessors and all of us the Department has grown from strength to strength.  As a result, the expectations of the Government, the stake holders, taxpayers, public at large and our own employees have increased tremendously.  I am sure that all of us will rise to the occassion and live up to their expectations.

    Our immediate challenging tasks include reaching the 'not so easy' target for Revenue collection without undue harassment and high handedness; improving the overall image of our deparmtrnet as a friendly, professional, non adversarial and competent organization focused on Revenue collection, tax payers services and ensuring strict compliance with direct tax laws.

    Internally we have the most important task of rolling cut the cadre restructing which is half way through.  You will agree with me that several small and major difficulties will arise in the 'last mile' of the implementation.  I am sure thall all of us will work together to ensure that they will be resolved smoothly and we enhance our efficiency, career prospects, taxpayers services and compliance levels.

    We have several major initiatives in the pipeline or under implementation such as ITDA, DW&BI, NJRS, HRMS, Cycle Forensic Labs, etc. which can completely change the way the department functions.  Hence there is a tremendous need for each one of us to participate in these processes whole heartdly.

    Some of the areas which require our immediate and earnest attention apart from Revenue Collection are : - quicker and reasonable resolution of the requests/grievances of the taxpayers, early resolution of disputes, effective assessments analyzing all the facts and avoiding high pitched assessments, promotion of compliance, sending strong message by dealing with tax evasion and tax frouds firmly effectively and quickely, widening the tax base, etc.

    I look forward to your cooperation, suggestions and participation in taking our department to the next level and contributing our best in our nation building.